Monday, January 19, 2009

its been awhile

wow its been some time since I have blogged. Life has been crazy busy with this daycare. I have been watching my best friends kids on top of all the daycare kids because my best friend found out two days after I had Sophia that she has Lymphoma Cancer. Lucky for her though today is a special day. Today is her last Chemo treatment and she is in remission. The doc says she is as healthy as any oncologist will tell a cancer patient.
Sophia is doing well growing like a weed. she talks all the time its so tiring sometimes. Olivia just got out of the hospital she was in for pneumonia it took her 5 long days to get out. it was a heck of a week from going to the hospital doing daycare and sleeping. Savannah luckily hasn't gotten sick yet. Sophia just got over RSV as well. See like i said crazy busy. Josh and I just went to see Blue man Group on Sat.. i will post pics soon.josh was sooo excited. this was his christmas gift from me. The kids are home from school today and driving me nuts. other then that not much going on here!!

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