Thursday, June 26, 2008

hot, hot, hot

This is for all those women who have been pregnant in the middle of a HOT summer. Man oh Man is it miserable here. today it got to almost 90 degrees and in Illinois thats not the bad part of it. The bad part is humidity. This is my first blog and I am already complaining, this cant be a good thing! The kids spent most of the day outside either playing volleyball or playing in the pool. Poor Savannah was sick with the flu so she had to stay inside. My exciting news is I got both Elijah and Savannahs closets organized and new shelves put in and cleaned out. I also purchased the bassinett Josh and I wanted. Im still waiting for the carseat to come in. I ordered it from Babies R Us on monday, I was hoping it would be here by now. Sorry the blog is so plain im going to try to put pictures and more info on as soon as I can figure out what everything does.

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